The lenovo computers are well known for business usage. these laptops are light and built with the high quality hardware. which allows you to have a good experience while accessing the computer on the laptop.
Also, these laptops are built in the with Dolby sound, which gives the sound that is really audible. no doubt, lenovo laptops are the great machine, but some users might not be hear the audio. in case, if you are unable to access the audio on the laptop, you need to visit us for more help.
How to fix the laptop sound not working problems?
First of all, you need to check the mute functions on the laptop. you need to check the mute functions on the laptop.
Go to the sound settings and increase the volume on the appropriate level.
Sometimes, users are unable to hear the sound because of the enhancement settings. so you need to disable and enable it.
Open the device manager on the laptop and then click on the audio driver. now press the driver tab and hit on the update driver button.
Sometimes, users are unable to get the audio because of the faulty speakers. so you need to add the external speakers on the laptop and then retry to access the audio again.
Let's roll back the driver to the factory settings and then play the audio again.
Some users are unable to access the audio because of the incorrect audio settings. So you need to check the sound settings.
If you have already changed the audio drivers but still sound is not working on Lenovo laptop. you reset the computer to the factory settings. right after that the audio will start working fine.